TOPSPRAYER EXPIRED ™ is de volledig herziene versie en nieuwe editie van het INTERNATIONAL TOPSPRAYER™-boek. Het boek word al jaren niet meer gedrukt en gepubliceerd. Na een verjaringstermijn van 10 jaar is dit weer mogelijk. Vergeleken met de vorige editie zit er in de TOPSPRAYER EXPIRED™ 176 extra pagina's uit de periode van 2011 2012, en zijn meer dan 200 ongeziene pieces en 60 extra teksten. Een Must have voor de verzamelaar.
Sergeant Dimpfelmoser of the Vandal Squad explains:
»Between the period of 2007, and 2010, MOSES and TAPS exchanged their pseudonyms. With the assistance of many unknown perpetrators, 1000 passenger trains were vandalised with graffiti over a period of 1000 days. In May 2011, their offences were published in the book INTERNATIONAL TOPSPRAYER.
May 2021 marks the passing of ten years since the release of the book. In accordance with section 78 of the German Criminal Code, referring to the occurrence of the final statute of limitations, the pursuit of criminal prosecution now ends.
Immediately after the expiration of the statute of limitations, the suspects admitted to all accusations previously under investigation, in words and pictures through the release of the book TOPSPRAYER EXPIRED. Furthermore, the previous documentation material has been supplemented with many descriptions of crimes and unseen photographs of various offences committed during 2007 and 2010 and especially between the period of 2011 to 2012.«
448 pages
Format 28 x 24 cm
150 g/m² gloss/matt papier
Release: May 2021
Published by Publikat
ISBN: 978-3-939566-57-1